WOW SMC is having a BIRTHDAY blog hop, and just in time for my birthday.
I am so excited about this blog hop.
If you got here from Wanda's blog then you are on the right track, if you just happened here, please go back to the start (The SMC challenge blog) because you don't want to miss even 1 of the great projects that the DT have done. Here is the order of the blog hop:
Here's the order for the hop:
start: Challenge Blog http://sewmanychallenges.com/
darling Ho
Mari http://trailsofpaper.blogspot.com/
end: Store Blog (Freebie will be here until midnight on Friday)
I used the cupcake carasel for my project, and once again I did a scrapbook page. This one was a blast to do. I made a second page so that I could take the cherry on top of the big image and the 3 small cupcakes and POP them out with pop dots. I colored them with my copics and a "few" little stickles. The background paper is from my "stash" and I am not sure where I got it from but it sure did work.
I then did the "freebie" and is that not the cutest image you have seen, well not really because I LOVE all of the images on SMC. Be sure to stop by the blog and get this great freebie.
Now off to see Mari's blog. If you get lost or if I screwed up and did not get the link right, just go back to the start.
Be sure to leave a comment on this post for a chance at winning the cupcake image (be sure to do this on all of the DT blogs for the same chance).
Have a great blog hop and great weekend.